• De Vries, E., Kaufman, T. M. L., Veenstra, R., & Huitsing, G. (2025). The development and feasibility testing of an anti-bullying prevention program for secondary education: GRIPP. International Journal of Bullying Prevention, doi: 10.1007/s42380-024-00279-w
  • Dobbelaar, S., Kellij, S., Veenstra, R., & Güroglu, B. (2025). Neural correlates of vicarious reward processing in children with peer victimization experiences. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 71, 101499, doi: 10.1016/j.dcn.2024.101499.
  • Dong, Z., Huitsing, G., & Veenstra, R. (2025). Promoting positive leadership: Examining the long-term dynamics of anti-bullying programs. Prevention Science, doi: 10.1007/s11121-024-01762-y.
  • Huitsing, G., & Veenstra, R. (2025). The Netherlands. In: J. S. Hong, R. Thornberg, V. J. Llorent, & Z. Han (Eds.) Bullying of Children and Adolescents: A Global Perspective. Elgar.
  • Kellij, S., Lodder, G. M. A., Veenstra, R., & Güroglu, B. (2025). Angry or neutral, it doesn’t matter to me: Implicit processing of facial emotions is not related to peer victimization experiences. Emotion, doi: 10.1037/emo0001405.
  • Kreager, D. A., Staff, J., Felmlee, D., Zhang, H., & Veenstra, R. (2025). The sexual double standard and adolescent stigma: A sociometric and comparative approach. The Journal of Sex Research, doi: 10.1080/00224499.2024.2358144.
  • Laninga-Wijnen, L., Yanagida, T., Garandeau, C. F., Malamut, S., Veenstra, R., & Salmivalli, C. (2025). Is there really a healthy context paradox for victims of bullying? Testing alternative directions and comparing within- and between-person effects. Development and Psychopathology, doi: 10.1017/S0954579423001384.
  • Lloyd, A., Law, R., Midgley, N., Wu, T., Lucas, L., Steinbeis, N., Martin, P., Veenstra, R., … Viding, E., & Fearon, P. (2025). A feasibility study of a preventative, transdiagnostic intervention for mental health problems in adolescence: Building Resilience Through Socioemotional Training (ReSET).Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health.
  • Qin, X., Laninga-Wijnen, L., Steglich, C., Zhang, Y., Ren, P., & Veenstra, R. (2025). Parents on the sidelines: The role of parental directing in Chinese adolescents’ friendship dynamics related to academic achievement, aggression, and prosocial behavior. Journal of Early Adolescence, doi: 10.1177/02724316241244419.
  • Qin, X., Laninga-Wijnen, L., Steglich, C., Zhang, Y., Ren, P., & Veenstra, R. (2025). The dominance of liking: Uncovering dyadic and reputational effects of peer and perceived teacher likes and dislikes on friendship dynamics among Chinese adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, doi: 10.1007/s10964-024-02104-5.
  • Van Aalst, D. A. E., Huitsing, G., & Veenstra, R. (2025). Understanding teachers’ likelihood of intervention in bullying situations: Testing the theory of planned behavior. International Journal of Bullying Prevention, doi: 10.1007/s42380-024-00209-w.
  • Venema, S. D., Dirkzwager, A. J. E., Haan, M., Nieuwbeerta, P., Blaauw, E., & Veenstra, R. (2025). Fatherhood and reoffending after release from prison: The importance of co-residing with a partner and children. Crime & Delinquency, doi: 10.1177/00111287231193991.


  • Crone, E. A., Bol, T., Braams, B. R., de Rooij, M., Franke, B., Franken, I., Gazzola, V., Güroğlu, B., Huizenga, H., Hulshoff Pol, H., Keijsers, L., Keysers, C., Krabbendam, L., Nauta-Jansen, L., Popma, A., Stulp, G., van Atteveldt, N., van Duijvenvoorde, A., & Veenstra, R. (2024). Growing Up Together in Society (GUTS): A team science effort to predict societal trajectories in adolescence and young adulthood. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 67, 101403, doi: 10.1016/j.dcn.2024.101403.
  • Dong, Z., Huitsing, G., & Veenstra, R. (2024). Students’ school and psychological adjustment in classrooms with positive and negative leaders. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 53, 550-562, doi: 10.1007/s10964-023-01937-w.
  • Franzen, M., De Jong, P. J., Veenstra, R., & Aan het Rot, M. (2024). Performance-based measures, experimental approaches, and intensive repeated measures to examine interpersonal characteristics of victims. In J. S. Hong, H. C. Chan, A. Fung, & J. Lee (Eds.) Handbook of School Violence, Bullying and Safety (pp. 80-92). Elgar.
  • Franzen, M., Van Duijn, M. A. J., De Jong, P. J., Veenstra, R., & Aan het Rot, M. (2024). How do victims of bullying develop depressive symptoms? Testing interpersonal style to explaining the victimization-depression link. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 34, 1391-1402, doi: 10.1111/jora.13005.
  • Kellij, S., Dobbelaar, S., Lodder, G. M. A., Veenstra, R., & Güroglu, B. (2024). Here comes revenge: Peer victimization relates to neural and behavioral responses to social exclusion. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, 52, 1913-1930, doi: 10.1007/s10802-024-01227-4.
  • Kellij, S., Lodder, G. M. A., Giletta, M., Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J., Güroǧlu, B., & Veenstra, R. (2024). Are there negative cycles of peer victimization and rejection sensitivity? Testing ri-CLPMs in two longitudinal samples of young adolescents. Development and Psychopathology, 36, 844-856, doi: 10.1017/S0954579423000123.
  • Lorijn, S. J., Laninga-Wijnen, L., Zwier, D., Huisman, M., & Veenstra, R. (2024). A new school, a fresh start? Change and stability in peer relationships and academic performance in the transition from primary to secondary school. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 53, 1987-2001, doi: 10.1007/s10964-024-01991-y.
  • Palacios, D., Berger, C., Luengo Kanacri, B. P., Huisman, M., & Veenstra, R. (2024). The role of academic performance, prosocial behavior, and friendships on adolescents’ preferred studying partners: A longitudinal social network analysis. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 94, 681-699, doi: 10.1111/bjep.12675.
  • Tolmatcheff, C., Veenstra, R., Roskam, I., & Galand, B. (2024). Examining the link between implementation fidelity, quality, and effectiveness of teacher-delivered anti-bullying interventions in a randomized controlled trial. Prevention Science, 25, 407-420, doi: 10.1007/s11121-023-01580-8.
  • Van Aalst, D. A. E., Huitsing, G., & Veenstra, R. (2024). A systematic review on primary school teachers’ characteristics and behaviors in identifying, preventing, and reducing bullying. International Journal of Bullying Prevention, 6, 124-137, doi: 10.1007/s42380-022-00145-7.
  • Veenstra, R., Bertogna, T., & Laninga-Wijnen, L. (2024). The growth of longitudinal social network analysis: A review of the key data sets and topics in research on child and adolescent development. In M. E. Feinberg & D. W. Osgood (Eds.), Teen Friendship Networks, Development, and Risky Behavior (pp. 326-352). Oxford University Press, doi: 10.1093/oso/9780197602317.003.0014.
  • Venema, S. D., Glasbergen, P., Haan, M., Blaauw, E., & Veenstra, R. (2024). Experiences of fatherhood in prison: A thematic analysis of differences between fathers in a family approach programme and a comparison group. European Journal of Criminology, 21, 533-555, doi: 10.1177/14773708241227682.
  • Venema, S. D., Haan, M., Blaauw, E., & Veenstra, R. (2024). Paternal incarceration, family relationships, and adolescents’ internalizing and externalizing problem behaviors: A moderated mediation analysis. Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology, 10, 213-241, doi: 10.1007/s40865-024-00253-6.
  • Viding, E., Lloyd, A., Law, R., Martin, P., Lucas, L., Wu, T., Steinbeis, N., Midgley, N., Veenstra, R., … Fearon, P. (2024). Trial protocol for the Building Resilience through Socio-Emotional Training  (ReSET) programme: a cluster randomized controlled trial of a new transdiagnostic preventative intervention for adolescents. Trials, 25, 143, doi: 10.1186/s13063-024-07931-2.
  • Vrijen, C., Nolte, I. M., Oldehinkel, A. J., Veenstra, R., & Kretschmer, T. (2024). Genetic confounding in bullying research: Causal claims revisited. Development and Psychopathology, 36, 1219-1230, doi: 10.1017/S0954579423000445.


  • De Roo, M., Hartman, C., Veenstra, R., Nolte, I. M., Meier, K., Vrijen, C., & Kretschmer, T. (2023). Gene-environment interplay in the development of overweight. Journal of Adolescent Health, 73, 574-581, doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2023.04.028.
  • Dong, Z., Huitsing, G., & Veenstra, R. (2023). Positive and negative leadership in late childhood: Similarities in individual but differences in interpersonal characteristics. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 52, 1620-1631, doi: 10.1007/s10964-023-01798-3.
  • Hensums, M., De Mooij, B., Kuijper, S. C., BIRC: the anti-Bullying Interventions Research Consortium, Fekkes, M., & Overbeek, G. (2023). What works for whom in school-based anti-bullying interventions? An individual participant data meta-analysis. Prevention Science, 24, 1435-1446, doi: 10.1007/s11121-022-01387-z.
  • Kiekens, W. J., Baams, L., Feinstein, B. A., & Veenstra, R. (2023). Development and validation of the sexual minority adolescent rejection sensitivity scale. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 52, 971-989, doi: 10.1007/s10508-022-02474-6.
  • Laninga-Wijnen, L., & Veenstra, R. (2023). Peer similarity in adolescent social networks: Types of selection and influence, and factors contributing to openness to peer influence. In B. Halpern-Felsher (ed.) Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Health, volume 3: Social and Environmental Influences (pp. 196-206). Elsevier, doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-818872-9.00047-9.
  • Laursen, B., & Veenstra, R. (2023). In defense of peer influence: The unheralded benefits of conformity. Child Development Perspectives, 17, 74-80, doi: 10.1111/cdep.12477.
  • Lorijn, S. J., Laninga-Wijnen, L., Engels, M. C., Lodder, G. M. A., & Veenstra, R. (2023). The development of adolescents’ loneliness during the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of peer status and contacts with friends. PLoS ONE, 18(5), e0286085, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0286085.
  • McMillan, C., Craig, B., La Roi, C. & Veenstra, R. (2023). Adolescent friendship, cross-sexuality ties, and attitudes towards sexual minorities: A social network perspective of intergroup contact. Social Science Research, 114, 102916, doi: 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2023.102916.
  • Qin, X., Laninga-Wijnen, L., Steglich, C., Zhang, Y., Ren, P., & Veenstra, R. (2023). Does having vulnerable friends help vulnerable youth? The co-evolution of friendships, victimization, and depressive symptoms in Chinese adolescents’ social networks. Child Development, 94, 1531-1549, doi: 10.1111/cdev.13945.
  • Veenstra, R., & Laninga-Wijnen, L. (2023). The prominence of peer interactions, relationships, and networks in adolescence and early adulthood. In L. J. Crockett, G. Carlo, & J. E. Schulenberg (Eds.), APA Handbook of Adolescent and Young Adult Development (pp. 225-241). American Psychological Association, doi: 10.1037/0000298-014.


  • Barzeva, S., Meeus, W. H. J., Veenstra, R., & Oldehinkel, A. J. (2022). Quality over quantity: A transactional model of social withdrawal. Social Development, 31, 126-146, doi: 10.1111/sode.12530.
  • Bravo, A., Ortega-Ruiz, R., Veenstra, R., Engels, M. C., & Romera, E. M. (2022). Friendship selection and influence processes for popularity in early and mid-adolescents. Journal of Adolescence, 94, 45-56, doi: 10.1002/jad.12004.
  • De Roo, M., Veenstra, R., & Kretschmer, T. (2022). Internalizing and externalizing correlates of parental overprotection as measured by the EMBU: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Social Development, 31, 962-983, doi: 10.1111/sode.12590.
  • Karaagac, D., Bilecen, B., & Veenstra, R. (2022). Uncertainties shaping parental educational decisions: The case of Syrian refugee children in Turkey. Frontiers in Human Dynamics, 4, 920229, doi: 10.3389/fhumd.2022.920229 (section Refugees and Conflict).
  • Karaagac, D., Bilecen, B., & Veenstra, R. (2022). Understanding Syrian parents’ educational involvement in their children’s primary education in Turkey. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 3, 100184, doi: 10.1016/j.ijedro.2022.100184.
  • Kellij, S., Lodder, G. M. A., Van den Bedem, N., Güroğlu, B., & Veenstra, R. (2022). The social cognitions of victims of bullying: A systematic review. Adolescent Research Review, 7, 287-334, doi: 10.1007/s40894-022-00183-8.
  • Kiekens, W. J., Baams, L., & Veenstra, R. (2022). Differences by sex and gender in the association between minority stress and alcohol use among sexual and gender minority youth: A daily diary study. Social Science & Medicine, 294, 114679, doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2021.114679.
  • Kisfalusi, D., Hooijsma, M., Huitsing, G., & Veenstra, R. (2022). How dislike and bullying co-develop: A longitudinal study of negative relationships among children. Social Development, 31, 797-810, doi: 10.1111/sode.12582.
  • Kretschmer, T., La Roi, C., Van der Ploeg, R., & Veenstra, R. (2022). Benefits of bullying: A test of the evolutionary hypothesis in three cohorts. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 32, 1178-1193, doi: 10.1111/jora.12675.
  • Lorijn, S. J., Engels, M. C., Huisman, M., & Veenstra, R. (2022). Long-term effects of acceptance and rejection by parents and peers on educational attainment: A study from pre-adolescence to early adulthood. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 51, 540-555, doi: 10.1007/s10964-021-01506-z.
  • McMillan, C., Kreager, D. A., & Veenstra, R. (2022). Keeping to the code: How local norms of friendship and dating inform macro-structures of adolescents’ romantic networks. Social Networks, 70, 126-137, doi:10.1016/j.socnet.2021.11.012.
  • Palacios, D., Dijkstra, J. K., Berger, C., Huisman, M., & Veenstra, R. (2022). Disentangling dyadic and reputational perceptions of prosociality, aggression, and popularity in explaining friendship networks in early adolescence. Social Development, 31, 699-714, doi: 10.1111/sode.12565.
  • Rambaran, J. A., Van Duijn, M. A. J., Dijkstra, J. K., & Veenstra, R. (2022). The relation between defending, (dis)liking and the classroom bullying norm: A cross-sectional social network approach in late childhood. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 46, 420-431, doi: 10.1177/01650254211029715.
  • Tolmatcheff, C., Galand, B., Roskam, I., & Veenstra, R. (2022). The effectiveness of moral disengagement and social norms as anti-bullying components: A randomized controlled trial. Child Development, 93, 1873-1888, doi: 10.1111/cdev.13828.
  • Veenstra, R. (2022). Introduction to the special section on social norms and behavioral development. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 46, 369-371, doi: 10.1177/01650254221100236.
  • Veenstra, R., & Laninga-Wijnen, L. (2022). Peer network studies and interventions in adolescence. Current Opinion in Psychology, 44, 157-163, doi: 10.1016/j.copsyc.2021.09.015.
  • Veenstra, R., & Lodder, G. M. A. (2022). On the microfoundations of the link between classroom social norms and behavioral development. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 46, 453-460, doi: 10.1177/01650254221100228.
  • Venema, S. D., Haan, M., Blaauw, E., & Veenstra, R. (2022). Paternal imprisonment and father-child relationships: A systematic review. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 49, 492-512, doi: 10.1177/00938548211033636.


  • De Vries, E., Kaufman, T. M. L., Veenstra, R., Laninga-Wijnen, L., & Huitsing, G. (2021) Bullying and victimization trajectories in the first years of secondary education: Implications for status and affection. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 50, 1995-2006, doi: 10.1007/s10964-020-01385-w.
  • Güroğlu, B., & Veenstra, R. (2021). Neural underpinnings of peer experiences and interactions: A review of social neuroscience research. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 67, 416-456, doi: 10.1353/mpq.2021.0021.
  • Hooijsma, M., Kisfalusi, D., Huitsing, G., Dijkstra, J. K., Flache, A., & Veenstra, R. (2021). Crossing ethnic boundaries? A social network investigation of defending relationships in schools. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 24, 1391-1408, doi: 10.1177/13684302211009318.
  • Kaufman, T. M. L., Huitsing, G., Bloemberg, R., & Veenstra, R. (2021). The systematic application of network diagnostics to monitor and tackle bullying and victimization in schools. International Journal of Bullying Prevention, 3, 75-87, doi: 10.1007/s42380-020-00064-5.
  • Laursen, B., & Veenstra, R. (2021). Toward understanding the functions of peer influence: A summary and synthesis of recent empirical research. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 31, 889-907, doi: 10.1111/jora.12606.
  • Marucci, E., Oldenburg, B., Barrera, D., Cillessen, A. H. N., Hendrickx, M., & Veenstra, R. (2021).  Halo and association effects: Cognitive biases in teacher attunement to peer-nominated bullies, victims, and prosocial students. Social Development, 30, 187-204, doi: 10.1111/sode.12455.
  • Neal, J. W., & Veenstra, R. (2021). Network selection and influence effects on children’s and adolescents’ internalizing behaviors and peer victimization: A systematic review. Developmental Review, 59, 100944, doi: 10.1016/j.dr.2020.100944.
  • Peeters, M., Laninga-Wijnen, L., & Veenstra, R (2021). Differences in adolescents’ alcohol use and smoking behavior between educational tracks: Do popularity norms matter? Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 50, 1884-1895, doi: 10.1007/s10964-021-01467-3.
  • Qin, X., Kaufman, T. M. L., Laninga-Wijnen, L., Ren, P., Zhang, Y., & Veenstra, R. (2021). The impact of academic achievement and parental practices on depressive symptom trajectories among Chinese adolescents. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, 49, 1359-1371, doi: 10.1007/s10802-021-00826-9.
  • Van Aalst, D. A. E., Huitsing, G., Mainhard, T., Cillessen, A. H. N., & Veenstra, R. (2021). Testing how teachers’ self-efficacy and student-teacher relationships moderate the association between bullying, victimization, and student self-esteem. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 18, 928-947, doi: 10.1080/17405629.2021.1912728.
  • Veenstra, R. (2021). The need for a ‘we-culture’: The importance of the larger network and social norms for tackling bullying. In: B. Johansson & R. Thornberg (eds.) Always Take Action: Researchers on Their Results and Children’s Voices on the Journey from Bullied to Acknowledged (pp. 150-163). Stockholm, SWE: Friends.
  • Veenstra, R., & Huitsing, G. (2021). Social network approaches to bullying and victimization. In P. K. Smith, & J. O’Higgins Norman (eds.). The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Bullying. Volume 1 (pp. 196-214). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.


  • Hooijsma, M., Huitsing, G., Dijkstra, J. K., Flache, A., & Veenstra, R. (2020). Being friends with or rejected by classmates: Aggression toward same- and cross-ethnic peers. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 49, 678-692, doi: 10.1007/s10964-019-01173-1.
  • Hooijsma, M., Huitsing, G., Kisfalusi, D., Dijkstra, J. K., Flache, A., & Veenstra, R. (2020). Multidimensional similarity in multiplex networks: Friendships between same- and cross-gender bullies and same- and cross-gender victims. Network Science, 8, 79-96, doi: 10.1017/nws.2020.1.
  • Huitsing, G., Lodder, G. M. A., Browne, W. J., Oldenburg, B., Van der Ploeg, R., & Veenstra, R. (2020). A large-scale replication of the effectiveness of the KiVa anti-bullying program: A randomized controlled trial in the Netherlands. Prevention Science, 21, 627–638. doi: 10.1007/s11121-020-01116-4.
  • Kaufman, T. M. L., Baams, L., & Veenstra, R. (2020). Disparities in persistent victimization and associated internalizing symptoms for heterosexual versus sexual minority youth. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 30, 516-531, doi: 10.1111/jora.12495.
  • Kaufman, T. M. L., Huitsing, G., & Veenstra, R. (2020). Refining victims’ self-reports on bullying: Assessing frequency, intensity, power imbalance, and goal- directedness. Social Development, 29, 375-390, doi.org/10.1111/sode.12441.
  • Kaufman, T. M. L., Kretschmer, T., Huitsing, G., & Veenstra, R. (2020). Caught in a vicious cycle? Explaining bidirectional spillover between parent-child relationships and peer victimization. Development and Psychopathology, 32, 11-20, doi: 10.1017/S0954579418001360
  • Kiekens, W., La Roi, C., Bos, H. M. W., Van Bergen, D. D., Kretschmer, T., & Veenstra, R. (2020). Explaining health disparities between heterosexual and LGB adolescents by integrating the minority stress and psychological mediation frameworks. Findings from the TRAILS study. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 49, 1767-1782, doi: 10.1007/s10964-020-01206-0.
  • La Roi, C., Dijkstra, J. K., Kretschmer, T., Savickaite, R., & Veenstra, R. (2020). Peers and homophobic attitudes in adolescence: Examining selection and influence processes in friendships and antipathies. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 49, 2229-2245, doi: 10.1007/s10964-020-01298-8.
  • La Roi, C., Kretschmer, T., Veenstra, R., Bos, H., Goossens, L., Verschueren, K., Colpin, H., ,Van Leeuwen, K., Van den Noortgate,  W., & Dijkstra, J. K. (2020). Sexual orientation, peer relationships, and depressive symptoms: Findings from a sociometric design. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 66, 101086, doi: 10.1016/j.appdev.2019.101086.
  • Laninga-Wijnen, L., Harakeh, Z., Dijkstra, J. K., Veenstra, R., & Vollebergh, W. A. M. (2020). Who sets the aggressive popularity norm in classrooms? It’s the number and strength of aggressive, prosocial, and bi-strategic adolescents. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 48, 13-27, doi: 10.1007/s10802-019-00571-0.
  • Laninga-Wijnen, L., Harakeh, Z., Steglich, C., Veenstra, R., Vollebergh, W. A. M., & Dijkstra, J. K. (2020). The role of prosocial and aggressive popularity norm combinations in prosocial and aggressive friendship processes. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 49, 645-663, doi: 10.1007/s10964-019-01088-x.
  • Rambaran, J. A., Dijkstra, J. K., & Veenstra, R. (2020). Bullying as a group process in childhood: A longitudinal social network analysis. Child Development, 91, 1336-1352, doi: 10.1111/cdev.13298.
  • Rambaran, J. A., Van Duijn, M. A. J., Dijkstra, J. K., & Veenstra, R. (2020). Stability and change in student classroom composition and its impact on peer victimization. Journal of Educational Psychology, 112, 1677-1691, doi: 10.1037/edu0000438.
  • Savickaite, R., Dijkstra, J. K., Kreager, D., Ivanova, K., & Veenstra, R. (2020). Friendships, perceived popularity, and adolescent romantic relationship debut. Journal of Early Adolescence. 40, 377–399, doi: 10.1177/0272431619847530.
  • Van der Ploeg, R., Steglich, C., & Veenstra, R. (2020). The way bullying works: How new ties facilitate the mutual reinforcement of status and bullying in elementary schools. Social Networks, 60, 71-82, doi: 10.1016/j.socnet.2018.12.006.
  • Van Niejenhuis, C., Huitsing, G., & Veenstra, R. (2020). Working with parents to counteract bullying: A randomized control trial of an intervention to improve parent-school cooperation. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 61, 117-131, doi: 10.1111/sjop.12522.
  • Van Rijsewijk, L. G. M., Snijders, T. A. B., Dijkstra, J. K., Steglich, C. E. G., & Veenstra, R. (2020). The interplay between adolescents’ friendships and the exchange of help: A longitudinal multiplex social network study. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 30, 63-77, doi: 10.1111/jora.12501.


  • Gremmen, M. C., Berger, C., Ryan, A.M., Steglich, C. E. G., Veenstra, R., & Dijkstra, J. K. (2019). Adolescents’ friendships, academic achievement, and risk behaviors: Same-behavior and cross-behavior selection and influence processes. Child Development, 90, e192-e211.
  • Huitsing, G., Dijkstra, J. K., & Veenstra, R. (2019). Social development and group processes: A social network application to bullying and network interventions. In E. S. Kunnen, N. M. P. De Ruiter, B. F. Jeronimus, & M. A. E. Van der Gaag (eds.). Psychosocial development in adolescence: Insights from the Dynamic Systems Approach (pp. 193-208). London/New York: Routledge (Studies in Adolescent Development).
  • Huitsing, G., Lodder, G. M. A., Oldenburg, B., Schacter, H. L., Salmivalli, C., Juvonen, J., & Veenstra, R. (2019). The Healthy Context Paradox: Victims’ adjustment during an anti-bullying intervention. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 28, 2499-2509, doi: 10.1007/s10826-018-1194-1.
  • Huitsing, G., Van Duijn, M. A. J., Snijders, T. A. B., Alsaker, F. D., Perren, S., & Veenstra, R. (2019). Self, peer, and teacher reports of victim-aggressor networks in kindergartens. Aggressive Behavior, 45, 275-286, doi: 10.1002/ab.21817.
  • Laceulle, O. M., Veenstra, R., Vollebergh, W. A. M., & Ormel, J. (2019). Sequences of maladaptation: Pre-adolescent self-regulation, adolescent negative social interactions, and young adult psychopathology. Development and Psychopathology, 31, 279-292.
  • Laninga-Wijnen, L., Gremmen, M. C., Dijkstra, J. K., Vollebergh, W. A. M., Veenstra, R., & Harakeh, Z. (2019). The role of academic status norms in friendship selection and influence processes related to academic achievement. Developmental Psychology, 55, 337-350.
  • Laninga-Wijnen, L., Harakeh, Z., Garandeau, C. F., Dijkstra, J. K., Veenstra, R., & Vollebergh, W. A. M. (2019). Classroom popularity hierarchy predicts prosocial and aggressive popularity norms across the school year. Child Development, 90, e637-e653, doi: 10.1111/cdev.13228.
  • Palacios, D., Berger, C., Kanacri, B. P. L., Veenstra, R., & Dijkstra, J. K. (2019). The interplay of adolescents’ aggression and victimization with friendship and antipathy networks within an educational prosocial intervention. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 48, 2005-2022, doi: 10.1007/s10964-019-01105-z.
  • Palacios, D., Dijkstra, J. K., Villalobos, C., Treviño, E., Berger, C., Huisman, M., & Veenstra, R. (2019). Classroom ability composition and the role of academic performance and school misconduct in the formation of academic and friendship networks. Journal of School Psychology, 74, 58-73, doi: 10.1016/j.jsp.2019.05.006.
  • Peeters, M., Oldehinkel, A. J., Veenstra, R., & Vollebergh, W. A. M. (2019). Unique developmental trajectories of risk behaviors in adolescence and associated outcomes in young adulthood. PLoS ONE, 14, e.0225088.
  • Rambaran, J.A., Van Duijn, M. A. J., Dijkstra, J. K., & Veenstra, R. (2019). Peer victimization in single-grade and multigrade classrooms. Aggressive Behavior, 45, 561-570, doi: 10.1002/ab.21851.
  • Richards, J. S., Hartman, C. A., Jeronimus, B. F., Ormel, J., Reijneveld, S. A., Veenstra, R., Verhulst, F. C., Vollebergh, W. A. M., & Oldehinkel, A. J. (2019). Beyond not bad or just okay: Social predictors of young adults’ wellbeing and functioning (a TRAILS study). Psychological Medicine, 49, 1459-1469, doi: 10.1017/S0033291718001976.
  • Romera, E. M., Bravo, A., Ortega-Ruiz, R., & Veenstra, R. (2019). Differences in perceived popularity and social preference between bullying roles and class norms. PLoS ONE, 14, e0223499.
  • Van Vuuren, C. L., Wachter, G. G., Veenstra, R., Rijnhart, J. J. M., Van der Wal, M. F., Chinapaw, M. J. M., & Busch, V. (2019). Associations between overweight and mental health problems among adolescents, and the mediating role of victimization. BMC Public Health, 19, 612. [Factsheet in Dutch]


  • Gremmen, M. C., Van den Berg, Y. H. M., Steglich, C., Veenstra, R., & Dijkstra, J. K. (2018). The importance of near-seated peers for elementary students’ academic engagement and achievement. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 57, 42-52.
  • Kaufman, T. M. L., Kretschmer, T., Huitsing, G., & Veenstra, R. (2018). Why does a universal anti-bullying program not help all children? Explaining persistent victimization during an intervention. Prevention Science, 19, 822-832.
  • Kretschmer, T., Veenstra, R., Branje, S. J. T., Dekovic., M., Koot, H. M., Meeus, W. H. J., Reijneveld, S. A., Vollebergh, W. A. M., & Oldehinkel, A. J., (2018). How competent are adolescent bullying perpetrators and victims in mastering normative developmental tasks in early adulthood? Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 46, 41-56.
  • Laninga-Wijnen, L., Harakeh, Z., Dijkstra, J. K., Veenstra, R., & Vollebergh, W. A. M. (2018). Aggressive and prosocial peer norms: Change, stability and associations with adolescent aggressive and prosocial behavior development. Journal of Early Adolescence, 38, 178-203.
  • Oldenburg, B., Van Duijn, M. A. J., & Veenstra, R. (2018). Defending one’s friends, not one’s enemies: A social network analysis of children’s defending, friendship, and dislike relationships using XPNet. PLoS ONE, 13, e0194323.
  • Ruschoff, B., Salmela-Aro, K., Kowalewski, T. B., Dijkstra, J. K., & Veenstra, R. (2018). Peer networks in the school-to-work transition. Career Development International, 23, 466-477.
  • Van Rijsewijk, L. G. M., Oldenburg, B., Snijders, T. A. B., Dijkstra, J. K., & Veenstra, R. (2018). A description of classroom help networks, individual network position, and their associations with academic achievement. PLoS ONE, 13, e0208173.
  • Veenstra, R., Dijkstra, J. K., & Kreager, D. A. (2018). Pathways, networks, and norms: A sociological perspective on peer research. In W. M. Bukowski, B. Laursen, & K. H. Rubin (eds.) Handbook of peer interactions, relationships, and groups, 2nd edition (pp.45-63). New York: Guilford.


  • Franken, A., Harakeh, Z., Veenstra, R., Vollebergh, W. A. M., & Dijkstra, J. K. (2017). Social status of adolescents with an early onset of externalizing behavior: The SNARE study. Journal of Early Adolescence, 37, 1037-1053.
  • Gremmen, M. C., Dijkstra, J. K., Steglich, C. & Veenstra, R. (2017). First selection, then influence: Developmental differences in friendship dynamics regarding academic achievement. Developmental Psychology, 53, 1356-1370.
  • Kretschmer, T., Dijkstra, J. K., & Veenstra, R. (2017). Social and individual antecedents of adolescent-onset conduct problem behaviour. In A. Blokland & V. Van der Geest (eds.). The Routledge International Handbook of Life-Course Criminology (pp. 179-199). London/New York: Routledge.
  • Kretschmer, T., Veenstra, R., Dekovic, M., & Oldehinkel. A. J., (2017). Bullying development across adolescence, its antecedents, outcomes, and gender-specific patterns. Development and Psychopathology, 29, 941-955.
  • Laninga-Wijnen, L., Harakeh, Z., Steglich, C., Dijkstra, J. K., Veenstra, R., & Vollebergh, W. (2017). The norms of popular peers moderate friendship dynamics of adolescent aggression. Child Development, 88, 1265-1283.
  • Ormel, J. Oerlemans, A. M., Raven, D., Laceulle, O. M., Hartman, C. A., Veenstra, R., Verhulst, F. C., Vollebergh, W., Rosmalen, J. G. M., Reijneveld, S. A., & Oldehinkel, A. J. (2017). Functional outcomes of child and adolescent mental disorders. Current disorder most important but psychiatric history matters as well. Psychological Medicine, 47, 1271-1282.
  • Rambaran, J. A., Hopmeyer, A., Schwartz, D., Steglich, C., Badaly, D., & Veenstra, R. (2017). Academic functioning and peer influences: A short-term longitudinal study of network-behavior dynamics in middle adolescence. Child Development, 88, 523-543 [Supplementary Information].
  • Van der Ploeg, R., Kretschmer, T., Salmivalli, C., & Veenstra, R. (2017). Defending victims of bullying: What does it take to intervene in bullying and how is it rewarded by peers? Journal of School Psychology, 65, 1-10.
  • Verweij, R. M., Mills, M. C., Tropf, F. C., Veenstra, R., Nyman, A., & Snieder, H. (2017). Sexual dimorphism in the genetic influence on human childlessness. European Journal of Human Genetics, 25, 1067-1074.
  • Volk, A. A., Veenstra, R., & Espelage, D. L., (2017). So you want to study bullying? Recommendations to enhance the validity, transparency, and compatibility of bullying research. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 36, 34-43.


  • Kretschmer, T., Sentse, M., Meeus, W., Verhulst, F. C., Veenstra, R., & Oldehinkel, A. J. (2016). Configurations of adolescents’ peer experiences: Associations with parent-child relationship quality and parental problem behavior. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 26, 474-491.
  • La Roi, C., Dijkstra, J. K., Veenstra, R., Kretschmer, T., & Oldehinkel, A. J. (2016). Disparities in depressive symptoms between heterosexual and lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth in a Dutch cohort. The TRAILS study. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 45, 440-456.
  • Oldenburg, B., Bosman, M.H., & Veenstra, R. (2016). Are elementary school teachers prepared to tackle bullying? A pilot study. School Psychology International, 37, 64-72.
  • Pappa, I., St Pourcain, B., Benke, K., Cavadino, A., Hakulinen, C., Nivard, M. G., Nolte, I. M., Tiesler, C. M. T., Bakermans-Kranenburg, M. J., Davies, G. E., Evans, D. M., Geoffroy, M-C., Grallert, H., Groen-Blokhuis, M. M., Hudziak, J. J., Kemp, J. P., Keltikangas-Jarvinen, L., McMahon, G., Mileva-Seitz, V. R., Motazedi, E., Power, C., Raitakari, O. T., Ring, S. M., Rivadeneira, F., Rodriguez, A., Scheet, P. A., Seppala, I., Snieder, H., Standl, M., Thiering, E., Timpson, N. J., Veenstra, R., Velders, F. P., Whitehouse, A J.O., Smith, G. D., Heinrich, J., Hypponen, E., Lehtimaki, T., Middeldorp, C. M., Oldehinkel, A. J., Pennell, C. E., Boomsma, D. I., & Tiemeier, H. (2016). A genome-wide approach to children’s aggressive behavior: The EAGLE consortium. American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part B – Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 171, 562-572.
  • Van der Ploeg, R., Steglich, C., & Veenstra, R. (2016). The support group approach in the Dutch KiVa anti-bullying program: Effects on victimization, defending and well-being at school. Educational Research, 58, 221-236.
  • Van Rijsewijk, L., Dijkstra, J. K., Pattiselanno, K., Steglich, C. & Veenstra, R. (2016). Who helps whom? Investigating the development of adolescent prosocial relationships. Developmental Psychology, 52, 894-908.


  • Dijkstra, J. K., Kretschmer, T., Lindenberg, S., & Veenstra, R. (2015). Hedonic, instrumental, and normative motives: Differentiating patterns for popular, accepted, and rejected adolescents. Journal of Early Adolescence, 35, 308-328.
  • Dijkstra, J.K., Kretschmer, T., Pattiselanno, K., Franken, A., Harakeh, Z., Vollebergh, W., & Veenstra, R. (2015). Explaining adolescents’ delinquency and substance use: A test of the maturity gap. Journal of Research on Crime and Delinquency, 52, 747-767. [Video Abstract] [NRC Handelsblad: Liever door schade en schande wijs worden, april 2016]
  • Heininga, V. E., Oldehinkel, A. J., Veenstra, R., & Nederhof, E. (2015). I just ran a thousand analyses: Benefits of multiple testing in understanding equivocal evidence on gene-environment interactions. PLoS ONE, 10, e0125383.
  • Jeronimus, B., Stavrakakis, N., Veenstra, R., & Oldehinkel, A. J. (2015). Relative age effects in Dutch adolescents: Concurrent and prospective analyses. PLoS ONE, 10, e0128856. [de Volkskrant: Succes is ook een kwestie van toeval]
  • Kretschmer, T., Barker, E.D., Dijkstra, J.K., Oldehinkel. A., & Veenstra, R. (2015). Multifinality of peer victimization: Maladjustment patterns and transitions from early to mid-adolescence. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 24, 1169-1179.
  • Kretschmer, T., Dijkstra, J. K., & Veenstra, R. (2015). Peer effects and molecular genetics in adolescent antisocial behavior. In M. DeLisi & M. G. Vaughn (eds.), Routledge International Handbook of Biosocial Criminology (pp. 101-114). New York: Routledge.
  • Munniksma, A., Verkuyten, M., Flache, A., Stark, T. H., & Veenstra, R. (2015). Friendships and outgroup attitudes among ethnic minority youth: The mediating role of ethnic and host society identification. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 44, 88-99.
  • Oldehinkel, A. J., Rosmalen, J. G. M., Buitelaar, J. K., Hoek, H. W., Ormel, J., Raven, D., Reijneveld, S. A., Veenstra, R., Verhulst, F. C., Vollebergh, W. A. M., & Hartman, C. A. (2015). Cohort profile update: The TRacking Adolescents’ Individual Lives Survey (TRAILS). International Journal of Epidemiology, 44, 76-76n.
  • Oldenburg, B., Barrera, D., Olthof, T., Goossens, F. A., Van der Meulen, M., Vermande, M., Aleva, L., Sentse, M., & Veenstra, R. (2015). Peer and self-reported victimization: Do non-victimized students give victimization nominations to classmates who are self-reported victims? Journal of School Psychology, 53, 309-321.
  • Oldenburg, B., Van Duijn, M. A. J., Sentse, M., Huitsing, G., Van der Ploeg, R., Salmivalli, C., & Veenstra, R. (2015). Teacher characteristics and peer victimization in elementary schools: A class-level perspective. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 43, 33-44.
  • Ormel, J., Raven, D., Van Oort, F., Hartman, C. A., Reijneveld, S. A., Veenstra, R., Vollebergh, W. A. M., Buitelaar, J., Verhulst, F. C., & Oldehinkel, A. J. (2015). Mental health in Dutch adolescents: A TRAILS report on prevalence, severity, age of onset, continuity and co-morbidity of DSM disorders. Psychological Medicine, 45, 345-360.
  • Pattiselanno, K., Dijkstra, J.K., Steglich, C., Vollebergh, W., & Veenstra, R. (2015). Structure matters: The role of clique hierarchy in the relationship between adolescent social status and aggression and prosociality. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 44, 2257-2274.
  • Roy, A., Hartman, C. A., Veenstra, R., & Oldehinkel, A. J. (2015). Peer dislike and victimisation in pathways from ADHD Symptoms to depression. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 24, 887-895.
  • Ruschoff, B., Dijkstra, J.K., Veenstra, R., & Lindenberg, S. (2015). Peer status beyond adolescence: Types and behavioral associations. Journal of Adolescence, 45, 1-10.
  • Sentse, M., Veenstra, R., Kiuru, N., & Salmivalli, C. (2015). A longitudinal multilevel study of individual characteristics and classroom norms in explaining bullying behaviors. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 43, 943-955.
  • Van der Ploeg, R., Steglich, C., Salmivalli, C., & Veenstra, R. (2015). The intensity of victimization: Associations with children’s psychosocial well-being and social standing in the classroom. PLoS ONE, 10, e0141490.
  • Verlinden, M., Jansen, P.W., Veenstra, R., Jaddoe, V.W.V., Hofman, A., Verhulst, F. C., Shaw, P., & Tiemeier, H. (2015). Preschool attention-deficit/hyperactivity and oppositional defiant problems as antecedents of school bullying. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 54, 571-579.


  • Huitsing, G., Snijders, T. A. B., Van Duijn, M. A. J., & Veenstra, R. (2014). Victims, bullies, and their defenders: A longitudinal study of the co-evolution of positive and negative networks. Development and Psychopathology, 26, 645-659.
  • Ivanova, K., Mills, M., & Veenstra, R. (2014). Parental residential and partnering transitions and the initiation of adolescent romantic relationships. Journal of Marriage and Family, 76, 465-475.
  • Kretschmer, T., Sentse, M., Dijkstra, J. K., & Veenstra, R. (2014). The interplay between peer rejection in pre-and early adolescence, serotonin transporter gene, and antisocial behavior in late adolescence: The TRAILS study. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 60, 193-216.
  • Ruschoff, B., Kretschmer, T., Dijkstra, J. K., & Veenstra, R. (2014). The development of delinquency in adolescence: Employment, gender, SES, and ethnicity. In F. Weerman & C. Bijleveld (eds.), Criminal behaviour from school to the workplace: Untangling the complex relations between employment, education, and crime (pp. 23-43). London: Routledge (Studies in Criminal Behaviour).
  • Sentse, M., Kiuru, N., Veenstra, R., & Salmivalli, C. (2014). A social network approach to the interplay between adolescents’ bullying and likeability over time. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 43, 1409-1420.
  • Sijtsema, J. J., Oldehinkel, A. J., Veenstra, R., Verhulst, F. C., & Ormel, J. (2014). Effects of Structural and Dynamic Family Characteristics on the Development of Depressive and Aggressive Problems during Adolescence. The TRAILS Study. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 23, 499-513.
  • Veenstra, R., Lindenberg, S., Huitsing, G., Sainio, M., & Salmivalli, C. (2014). The role of teachers in bullying: The relation between antibullying attitudes, efficacy, and efforts to reduce bullying. Journal of Educational Psychology, 106, 1135-1143.
  • Veldhuis, T. M., Gordijn, E. H., Veenstra, R., & Lindenberg, S. (2014). Vicarious group-based rejection: Creating a potentially dangerous mix of humiliation, powerlessness, and anger. PLoS ONE, 9, e95421.
  • Verlinden, M., Tiemeier, H., Veenstra, R., Mieloo, C. L., Jansen, W., Jaddoe, V. W. V, Raat, H., Hofman, A., Verhulst, F. C., & Jansen, P. W. (2014). Television viewing through ages 2-5 years and bullying involvement in early elementary school. BMC Public Health, 14, 157.
  • Verlinden, M., Veenstra, R., Ghassabian, A., Jansen, P. W., Hofman, A., Jaddoe, V. W. V., Verhulst, F. C., & Tiemeier, H. (2014). Executive functioning and non-verbal intelligence as predictors of bullying in early elementary school. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 42, 953-966.
  • Verlinden, M., Veenstra, R., Ringoot, A. P., Jansen, P. W., Raat, H., Hofman, A., Jaddoe, V. W. V, Verhulst, F. C., & Tiemeier, H. (2014). Detecting bullying in early elementary school with a computerized peer-nomination instrument. Psychological Assessment, 26, 628-641. [Supplemental Materials]


  • Dijkstra, J. K., Lindenberg, S., Zijlstra, L., Bouma, E., & Veenstra, R. (2013). The secret ingredient for social success of young males: A functional polymorphism in the 5HT2A serotonin receptor gene. PLoS ONE, 8, e54821. [UKrant: X-factor zit in het DNA]
  • Kretschmer, T., Dijkstra, J. K., Ormel, J., Verhulst, F. C., & Veenstra, R. (2013). Dopamine receptor D4 gene moderates the effect of positive and negative peer experiences on later delinquency. Development and Psychopathology, 25, 1107-1117.
  • Munniksma, A., Stark, T. H., Verkuyten, M., Flache, A., & Veenstra, R. (2013). Extended intergroup friendships within social settings: The moderating role of initial outgroup attitudes. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 16, 752-770.
  • Sainio, M., Veenstra, R., Little, T. D., Kärnä, A., Rönkkö, M., & Salmivalli, C. (2013). Being bullied by same- versus other-sex peers: Does it matter for adolescent victims? Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 42, 454-466.
  • Sijtsema, J. J., Nederhof, E., Veenstra, R., Ormel, J., Oldehinkel, A. J., & Ellis, B. J. (2013). Effects of family cohesion, and heart rate reactivity on aggressive/rule-breaking behavior and prosocial behavior in adolescence: The TRAILS study. Development and Psychopathology, 25, 699-712.
  • Sijtsema, J. J., Veenstra, R., Lindenberg, S., Van Roon, A. M., Verhulst, F. C., Ormel, J., & Riese, H. (2013). Heart rate and antisocial behavior: Mediation and moderation by affiliation with bullies. The TRAILS study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 52, 102-107.
  • Stark, T. H., Flache, A., & Veenstra, R. (2013). Generalization of positive and negative attitudes towards individuals to outgroup attitudes. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39, 608-622.
  • Tolsma, J., Van Deurzen, I., Stark, T. H., & Veenstra, R. (2013). Who is bullying whom in ethnically diverse primary schools? Exploring links between bullying, ethnicity, and ethnic diversity in Dutch primary schools. Social Networks, 35, 51-61. [Bericht in Sociale Vraagstukken]
  • Veenstra, R., Dijkstra, J. K., Steglich, C., & Van Zalk, M. H. W. (2013). Network-behavior dynamics. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 23, 399-412.
  • Veenstra, R., Verlinden, M., Huitsing, G., Verhulst, F. C., & Tiemeier, H. (2013). Behind bullying and defending: Same-sex and other-sex relations and their associations with acceptance and rejection. Aggressive Behavior, 39, 462-471.
  • Visser, L., De Winter, A. F., Veenstra, R., Verhulst, F. C., & Reijneveld, S. A. (2013). Alcohol use and abuse in young adulthood: Do self-control and parents’ perceptions of friends during adolescence modify peer influence? The TRAILS Study. Addictive Behaviors, 38, 2841-2846.
  • Zwaan, M., Dijkstra, J. K., & Veenstra, R. (2013). Status hierarchy, attractiveness hierarchy, and sex ratio. Three contextual factors explaining the status-aggression link among adolescents. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 37, 211-221. [Best Violence Research of 2013]


  • Dijkstra, J. K., Gest, S. D., Lindenberg, S., Veenstra, R. & Cillessen, A. H. N. (2012). Testing three explanations of the emergence of weapon carrying in peer context. The role of aggression, victimization, and the social network. Journal of Adolescent Health, 50, 371-376.
  • Huitsing, G., & Veenstra, R. (2012). Bullying in classrooms: Participant roles from a social network perspective. Aggressive Behavior, 38, 494-509.
  • Huitsing, G., Van Duijn, M. A. J., Snijders, T. A. B., Wang, P., Sainio, M., Salmivalli, C.,& Veenstra, R. (2012). Univariate and multivariate models of positive and negative networks: Liking, disliking, and bully-victim relationships social networks. Social Networks, 34, 645-657.
  • Huitsing, G., Veenstra, R., Sainio, M., & Salmivalli. C. (2012). “It must be me” or “It could be them?”: The impact of the social network position of bullies and victims on victims’ adjustment. Social Networks, 34, 379-386.
  • Ivanova, K., Veenstra, R., & Mills, M. (2012). Who dates? The effects of temperament, puberty, and parenting on early adolescent experience with dating. Journal of Early Adolescence, 42, 340-363.
  • Jansen, P. W., Verlinden, M., Dommisse-Van Berkel, A., Mieloo, C., Van der Ende, J., Veenstra, R., Verhulst, F. C., Jansen, W., & Tiemeier, H. (2012). Prevalence of bullying and victimization among children in early elementary school: Do family and school neighborhood socioeconomic status matter? BMC Public Health, 12, 494.
  • Jaspers, M., De Winter, A., Veenstra, R., Ormel, J., Verhulst, F. C., & Reijneveld, S. A. (2012). Preventive child health care findings on early childhood predict peer-group social status in early adolescence. Journal of Adolescent Health, 51, 637-642.
  • Munniksma, A., Flache, A., Verkuyten, M., & Veenstra, R. (2012). Parental acceptance of children’s intimate ethnic outgroup relations: The role of culture, status, and family reputation. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 36, 575-585.
  • Nederhof, E., Jorg, F., Raven, D., Veenstra, R., Verhulst, F. C., Ormel, J., & Oldehinkel, A. J. (2012). Benefits of extensive recruitment effort persist during follow-ups and are consistent across age and survey method. The TRAILS study. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 12, 93.
  • Ormel, J., Oldehinkel, A. J., Sijtsema, J. J., Raven, D., Van Oort, F. V. A., Veenstra, R., Vollebergh, W. A. M., & Verhulst, F. C. (2012). The TRacking Adolescents’ Individual Lives Survey (TRAILS). Design, current status, and selected findings. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 51, 1020-1036.
  • Sainio, M., Veenstra, R., Huitsing, G., & Salmivalli, C. (2012). Same- and other-sex victimization: Are the risk factors similar? Aggressive Behavior, 38, 442-455.
  • Salmivalli, C., Garandeau, C., & Veenstra, R. (2012). KiVa anti-bullying program: Implications for school adjustment. In A. M. Ryan & G. W. Ladd (eds.), Peer relationships and adjustment at school (pp. 279-307). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
  • Van de Werfhorst, H. G., Bergstra, M., & Veenstra, R. (2012). School disciplinary climate, behavioral problems, and academic achievement in the Netherlands. In R. Arum & M. Velez (ed.) Improving learning environments. School discipline and student achievement in comparative perspective (pp. 196-221). Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press (Studies in Social Inequality).
  • Veenstra, R. & Steglich, C. (2012). Actor-based model for network and behavior dynamics. In B. Laursen, T. D. Little, & N. A. Card (eds.), Handbook of Developmental Research Methods (pp. 598-618). New York: Guilford.


  • Dijkstra, J. K. & Veenstra, R. (2011). Peer relations. In B. B. Brown & M. J. Prinstein (eds.), Encyclopedia of Adolescence, Vol. 2 (pp. 255-259). San Diego: Academic.
  • Ivanova, K., Mills, M., & Veenstra, R. (2011). The initiation of dating in adolescence: The effect of parental divorce. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 21, 769-775.
  • Jansen, D. E. M. C., Veenstra, R., Ormel, J., Verhulst, F. C., & Reijneveld, S. A. (2011). Early risk factors for being a bully, victim, or bully/victim in late elementary and early secondary education. The longitudinal TRAILS study. BMC Public Health, 11, 440. [Persbericht RUG]
  • Janssens, K. A. M., Oldehinkel, A. J., Dijkstra, J. K., Veenstra, R., & Rosmalen, J. G. M. (2011). School absenteeism as a perpetuating factor of functional somatic symptoms in adolescents: The TRAILS study. Journal of Pediatrics, 159, 988-993.
  • Rettew, D. C., Van Oort, F. V. A., Verhulst, F. C., Buitelaar, J. K., Ormel, J., Hartman, C. A., Veenstra,R., Althoff, R. R., & Hudziak, J. J. (2011). When parent and teacher ratings don’t agree: The Tracking Adolescents’ Individual Lives Survey (TRAILS). Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 21, 389-397.
  • Sainio, M., Veenstra, R., Huitsing, G., Salmivalli, C. (2011). Victims and their defenders: A dyadic approach. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 35, 144-151.
  • Sentse, M., Ormel, J., Veenstra, R., Verhulst, F. C., & Oldehinkel, A. J. (2011). Child temperament moderates the impact of parental separation on adolescent mental health. Journal of Family Psychology, 25, 97-106.
  • Steverink, N., Veenstra, R., Oldehinkel, A. J., Gans, R.O.B., & Rosmalen, J. (2011). Is social stress in the first half of life detrimental to later physical and mental health in both men and women? European Journal of Ageing, 8, 21-30.
  • Van der Jagt-Jelsma, W., De Vries-Schot, M., De Jong, R., Verhulst, F. C., Ormel, J., Veenstra, R., Swinkels, S., & Buitelaar, J. (2011). The relationship between parental religiosity and mental health of pre-adolescents in a community sample. The TRAILS study. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 20, 253-260.
  • Veenstra, R. & Dijkstra, J. K. (2011). Transformations in adolescent peer networks. In B. Laursen & W. A. Collins (eds.) Relationship Pathways: From Adolescence to Young Adulthood (pp. 135-154). Los Angeles: Sage.


  • Dijkstra, J. K., Cillessen, A. H. N., Lindenberg, S., & Veenstra, R. (2010). Basking in reflected glory and its limits: Why adolescents hang out with popular peers. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 20, 942-958.
  • Dijkstra, J. K., Cillessen, A. H. N., Lindenberg, S., & Veenstra, R. (2010). Same-gender and cross-gender likeability: Associations with popularity and status enhancement. Journal of Early Adolescence, 30, 773-802.
  • Dijkstra, J.K., Lindenberg, S., Veenstra, R., Steglich, C., Isaacs, J. , Card, N. A. & Hodges, E.V.E. (2010). Influence and selection processes in weapon carrying during adolescence: The roles of status, aggression, and vulnerability. Criminology, 48, 187-220.
  • Karsten, S., Visscher, A. J., Dijkstra, A. B., & Veenstra, R. (2010). Towards standards for the publication of performance indicators in the public sector: The case of schools. Public Administration, 88, 90-112. [Comment by Helen M. Gunter] [Reply by Karsten and Visscher]
  • Reijneveld, S. A., Veenstra, R., De Winter A. F., Verhulst F. C., Ormel J., De Meer G. (2010). Area deprivation affects behavioral problems of young adolescents in mixed urban and rural areas. Journal of Adolescent Health, 46, 189-196.
  • Sentse, M., Dijkstra, J. K., Lindenberg, S., Ormel, J., & Veenstra, R. (2010). The delicate balance between parental protection, unsupervised wandering, and adolescents’ autonomy and its relation with antisocial behavior. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 34, 159-167.
  • Sentse, M., Lindenberg, S., Omvlee, A., Ormel, J., & Veenstra, R. (2010). Rejection and acceptance across contexts: Parents and peers as risks and buffers for early adolescent psychopathology. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 38, 119-130.
  • Sijtsema, J. J., Lindenberg, S., & Veenstra, R. (2010). Do they get what they want or are they stuck with what they can get? Testing homophily against default selection for friendships of highly aggressive boys. The TRAILS study. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 38, 803-813.
  • Sijtsema, J. J., Ojanen, T., Veenstra, R., Lindenberg, S., Hawley, P.H., & Little, T.D. (2010). Forms and functions of aggression in adolescent friendship selection and influence: A longitudinal social network analysis. Social Development, 19, 515-534.
  • Sijtsema, J. J., Veenstra, R., Lindenberg, S., Van Roon, A. M., Verhulst, F. C., Ormel, J., & Riese, H. (2010). Mediation of sensation seeking and behavioral inhibition on the longitudinal relationship between heart rate and antisocial behavior. The TRAILS Study. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 49, 493-502.
  • Van der Laan, A., Veenstra, R., Bogaerts, S., Verhulst, F. C., & Ormel, J. (2010). Serious, minor, and non-delinquents in early adolescence: The impact of cumulative risk and promotive factors. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 38, 339-351.
  • Veenstra, R., Huitsing, G., Dijkstra, J. K., & Lindenberg, S. (2010). Friday on my mind: The relation of partying with antisocial behavior of early adolescents. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 20, 420-431. [Appendices].
  • Veenstra, R., Lindenberg, S., Munniksma, A., & Dijkstra, J. K. (2010). The complex relation between bullying, victimization, acceptance, and rejection: Giving special attention to status, affection, and sex differences. Child Development, 81, 480-486. [Press Release].
  • Veenstra, R., Lindenberg, S., Tinga, F., & Ormel, J. (2010). Truancy in late elementary and early secondary education: The influence of social bonds and self-control. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 34, 302-310.
  • Wallien, M. S. C., Veenstra, R., Kreukels, B. P. C., & Cohen-Kettenis, P. T. (2010). Peer group status of gender dysphoric children: A sociometric study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 39, 553-560.


  • Dijkstra, J. K., Lindenberg, S., Verhulst, F. C., Ormel, J., & Veenstra, R. (2009). The relation between popularity and aggressive, destructive, and norm-breaking behaviors: Moderating effects of athletic abilities, physical attractiveness, and prosociality. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 19, 401-413.
  • Sentse, M., Veenstra, R., Lindenberg, S., Verhulst, F. C., & Ormel, J. (2009). Buffers and risks in temperament and family for early adolescent psychopathology: Generic, conditional, or domain-specific effects? Developmental Psychology, 45, 419-430.
  • Sijtsema, J. J., Veenstra, R., Lindenberg, S., & Salmivalli, C. (2009). Empirical test of bullies’ status goals: Assessing direct goals, aggression, and prestige. Aggressive Behavior, 35, 57-67.
  • Veenstra, R., Lindenberg, S., Verhulst, F. C., & Ormel, J. (2009). Childhood-limited versus persistent antisocial behavior: Why do some recover and others do not? Journal of Early Adolescence, 29, 718-742.



  • Dijkstra, J. K., Lindenberg, S., & Veenstra, R. (2007). Same-gender and cross-gender peer acceptance and peer rejection and their relation to bullying and helping among preadolescents: Comparing predictions from gender-homophily and goal-framing approaches. Developmental Psychology, 43, 1377-1389.
  • Emond, A., Ormel, J., Veenstra, R., & Oldehinkel, A. J. (2007). Preschool behavioral and social cognitive problems as predictors of (pre)adolescent disruptive behavior. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 38, 221-236.
  • Oldehinkel, A. J., Rosmalen, J. G. M., Veenstra, R., Dijkstra, J. K., & Ormel, J. (2007). Being admired or being liked: Classroom social status and depressive problems in early adolescent girls and boys. Journal of Abnomal Child Psychology, 35, 417-427.
  • Sondeijker, F.E.P.L., Ferdinand, R. F., Oldehinkel, A. J., Veenstra, R., Tiemeier, H., Ormel, J., & Verhulst, F. C. (2007). Disruptive behaviors and HPA-axis activity in young adolescent boys and girls from the general population. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 41, 570-578.
  • Veenstra, R., Lindenberg, S., Zijlstra, B. J. H., De Winter, A. F., Verhulst, F. C., & Ormel, J. (2007). The dyadic nature of bullying and victimization: Testing a dual perspective theory. Child Development, 78, 1843-1854. [p2 output]



  • De Winter, A. F., Oldehinkel, A. J., Veenstra, R., Brunnekreef, J. A., Verhulst, F. C., & Ormel, J. (2005). Evaluation of non-response bias in mental health determinants and outcomes in a large sample of pre-adolescents. European Journal of Epidemiology, 20, 173-181.
  • Ormel, J., Oldehinkel, A. J., Ferdinand, R. F., Hartman, C. A., De Winter, A. F., Veenstra, R., Vollebergh, W., Minderaa, R. B., Buitelaar, J. K., & Verhulst, F. C. (2005). Internalizing and externalizing problems in adolescence: General and dimension-specific effects of familial loadings and preadolescent temperament traits. Psychological Medicine, 35, 1825-1835.
  • Sondeijker, F. E. P. L., Ferdinand, R. F., Oldehinkel, A. J., Veenstra, R., De Winter, A. F., Ormel, J., & Verhulst, F. C. (2005). Classes of adolescents with disruptive behaviors in a general population sample. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 40, 931-938.
  • Van Goor, H., Jansma, F., & Veenstra, R. (2005). Differences in undercoverage and nonresponse between city neighbourhoods in a telephone survey. Psychological Reports, 96, 867-878.
  • Veenstra, R., Lindenberg, S., Oldehinkel, A. J., De Winter, A. F., Verhulst, F. C., & Ormel, J. (2005). Bullying and victimization in elementary schools: A comparison of bullies, victims, bully/victims, and uninvolved preadolescents. Developmental Psychology, 41, 672-682.
  • Vollebergh, W. A. M., Ten Have, M., Dekovic, M., Oosterwegel, A., Pels, T., Veenstra, R., De Winter, A., Ormel, H. & Verhulst, F. (2005). Mental health in migrant children in the Netherlands. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 40, 489-496.


  • Dijkstra, A.B., Veenstra, R., & Peschar, J. (2004). ‘Social capital in education. Functional communities around high schools in the Netherlands’. In H. Flap, & B. Volker (eds.) Creation and returns of social capital. A new research program (pp. 119-144). London: Routledge. [Review]
  • Oldehinkel, A. J., Hartman, C. A., De Winter, A. F., Veenstra, R., & Ormel, J. (2004). Temperament profiles associated with internalizing and externalizing problems in preadolescence. Development and Psychopathology, 16, 421-440.
  • Veenstra, R., & Kuyper, H. (2004). Effective students and families. The importance of individual characteristics for achievement in high school. Educational Research and Evaluation, 10, 41-70.

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