Invited presentations

  • Harnessing peer influence: A summary and synthesis of social network and peer-led intervention research. Leuven: 12th meeting of the Scientific Research Network “A Multiple Levels of Analysis Perspective to Typical and Atypical Development”, December 2024 (keynote).
  • Samen sterk: Wereld verbinden en conflicten voorkomen in de klas. Utrecht: Conflict in de klas, NWA routesymposium “Tussen Conflict en Coöperatie”, October 2024 (keynote).
  • Welke soort samenleving willen we zijn? Hoogezand: Tijd voor Toekomst, October 2024 (keynote).
  • Social network research and insights in peer influence, relationships, and peer-led interventions. Lisbon, Portugal: 27th ISSBD International Conference, June 2024 (keynote).
  • Peer relationships: Social network analysis. Lisbon, Portugal: 27th ISSBD International Conference, June 2024 (preconference workshop).
  • Samen tegen pesten. Groningen (Forum): Publieksacademie (with Barbara Wisse en Anke de Boer).
  • The growth of longitudinal social network analysis. Santiago: Chilean Society Networks Analysts, January 2024 (keynote).
  • Social norms and positive leaders. Utrecht: CAS (speaker at symposium on Who sets the norm? The role of popular peers in the classroom; other speakers: Christina Salmivalli and Lydia Laninga-Wijnen, March 2022).
  • The importance of social networks and social norms for tackling bullying. Jinan, China, December 2021 (online keynote).
  • Peer similarity in adolescent social networks: Types of selection and influence and avenues for further research. UC Louvain, Belgium, November 2021 (seminar).
  • Urgenter dan ooit. Waarom sociale inclusie in 2020 zo belangrijk is. Groningen (Forum): Tekenmoment maatschappelijk akkoord onderwijs, October 2020.
  • School bullying in relation to peer relations and social network analysis. Dublin, Ireland: World Anti-Bullying Forum, June 2019 (keynote). 
  • A social network perspective on bullying and other problem behaviors. Beijing, China: Beijing Normal University, July 2018. 
  • Discussant of ISSBD symposium on The Prevalence of Bullying Victimisation and its Impact on Mental Health Outcomes in Australian School Children, July 2018 (with Sally Fitzpatrick, Kay Bussey, Caroline Hunt). 
  • Discussant of Poster Symposium on Social networks. Minneapolis, MI: SRA Preconference on Peer Relations, April 2018 (with Diego Palacios, Mariola Gremmen, Lydia Laninga-Wijnen, Sara Egger). 
  • Peer relations and bullying: Multilevel and social network analyses. Utrecht, NL: European Conference on Developmental Psychology, August 2017 (with Christina Salmivalli). 
  • Discussant of Symposium on Anti-bullying interventions 2.0: Tailored interventions to minimize bullying. Stockholm, Sweden: World Anti-Bullying Forum, May 2017 (with Tessa Kaufman, Julia Torres). 
  • Discussant of Symposium on Multiple perspectives on social networking. Austin, TX: Society for Research in Child Development, April 2017 (with Gijs Huitsing, Ashwin Rambaran, Lisa De La Rue, Lauren Molloy). 
  • Discussant of Symposium on Ethnically integrated and segregated friendship networks in school: Predictors and consequences. Austin, TX: Society for Research in Child Development, April 2017 (with Marianne Hooijsma, Kara Kogachi, Leslie Echols). 
  • Dammen als breedtesport. Groningen: Wereldtitel Dammen Jan Groenendijk – Roel Boomstra, December 2016. 
  • A social network perspective on bullying and other problem behaviors. St. Catharines, ON, Canada: Brock University, April 2016. 
  • Peer influence processes. Baltimore, ML: SRA Preconference on Peer Relations, March 2016 (breakout session with Mitch Prinstein). 
  • Veenstra, R. (2016, March). ‘Meet the scientist lunch.’ Baltimore, ML: Society for Research on Adolescence, March 2016. 
  • Bullying. Philadelphia, PA: SRCD Preconference on Peer Relations, March 2015 (breakout session with Dorothy Espelage). 
  • Discussant of Symposium on ‘Peer Processes and School Adjustment: Examining Classroom Variations and Contextual Factors’. Philadelphia, PA: Society for Research in Child Development, March 2015 (with Huiyoung Shin, Dawn DeLay, and Handrea Logis). 
  • Group processes among children. About bullying and other problem behavior. Nijmegen: From Developmental Science to Practice, symposium organized in collaboration with NWO and BSI, September 2014. 
  • Discussant of Symposium on ‘Genes and Peers: How Genes Modify the Effects of Peer Victimization and Peer Behavior on Adjustment’. Austin, TX: Society for Research on Adolescence, March 2014 (with Sylvie Mrug, Edward D. Barker, Elisa Trucco).  
  • Meet the scientist lunch. Austin, TX: Society for Research on Adolescence, March 2014 . 
  • The ins and outs of publishing. A converstation with the editors.’ Austin, TX: Society for Research on Adolescence, March 2014 (with Manfred H.M. Van Dulmen, Jacquelynne Eccles, Todd Little, Charles E. Irwin, Roger J. Levesque). 
  • Focus on the group! A social network perspective on bullying. Los Angeles, CA: RAND, April 2013. 
  • KiVa in the Netherlands: Design, implementation and selected findings. Seattle, WA: Society for Research in Child Development, April 2013 (symposium on Intervening in School Bullying: The Critical Role of Context). 
  • Advances in Social Networks Research Methods. Seattle, WA: SRCD Preconference on Peer Relations, April 2013 (breakout session with Scott D. Gest & Jenna Watling Neal). 
  • Pesten is nooit gezond en los je op in de groep: Het KiVa anti-pestprogramma. Ede, the Netherlands: SCEM, November 2012. [PDF
  • Academic disengagement and friendship dynamics. International Video Conference on Peer Relations, November 2012 (emanating from Concordia University, Montreal, Canada). 
  • Network and behavior dynamics: An introduction in SIENA and its applications. Tampa, FL: SRCD Themed Meeting on Developmental Methodology, February 2012 (workshop). 
  • Targeting Behaviorally Vulnerable Children. The Role of Social Networks. London, UK: Social Genetic & Developmental Psychiatry Centre, Institute of Psychiatry, December 2011. 
  • The Important Role of Teachers in Bullying Interventions: The KiVa Program. Oxford, UK: Nuffield College, November 2011 (Nuffield Sociology Seminar). 
  • Dynamic social network analysis. Helsinki, Finland: Seminar on Happy 2 School – Peers and School, October 2011 (organized by the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies at the University of Helsinki). 
  • Social Development of Adolescents. Montreal, Canada: SRCD Preconference, March 2011 (interactive “walkabout” session: lab visit). 
  • SIENA Models for Network and Behavior Dynamics:  Innovative Designs and Analyses to Examine Selection and Influence Processes. Burlington, VT: Colloquium at Department of Psychology, University of Vermont, March 2011. 
  • Targeting the Group as a Whole: A Social Network Perspective on Bullying. Turku, Finland: KiVa Days, August 2010 (keynote). 
  • KiVa Anti-Bullying Program: Implications for School Adjustment. Turku, Finland: KiVa Days, August 2010 (research session). 
  • Social Network Analysis: What Can It Tell Us, What Do You Need to Get Started, and What Pitfalls to Avoid? Philadelphia, PA: SRA Preconference on Peer Relations, March 2010 (breakout session with Scott D. Gest). 
  • Discussant of Symposium on ‘Following the Course of Bullying in Adolescence’. Philadelphia, PA: Society for Research on Adolescence, March 2010 (with Louise Arseneault, Edward D. Barker, Lucy Bowes, Barbara Maughan, Isabelle Ouellet-Morin). 
  • Children’s Peer Relationships: Underlying Mechanisms of Development in Adolescence. Turku, Finland: Finnish Graduate School of Psychology, October 2009. 
  • Dynamic systems analyses. Denver, CO: SRCD Preconference on Peer Relations, April 2009 (teaching session with Tom Hollenstein). 
  • Dyadic relations, social networks, and bullying in schools. Zurich, Switzerland: Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development, March 2008. 
  • Dyadic relations, social networks, and bullying in schools. Berne, Switzerland: University of Berne Institute of Psychology, March 2008. 
  • Discussant of Symposium on ‘Methodological Issues in Longitudinal Research on Externalizing Behavior Problems’. Chicago, IL: Society for Research on Adolescence, March 2008 (with Arin Connell, Thomas J. Dishion, Elizabeth A. Goncy, Manfred H.M. Van Dulmen, and Keith Burt). 
  • Dyadic relations, social networks, and bullying in schools. Turku, Finland: Graduate School of Psychology, August 2007 (workshop on Developmental Processes in the Peer Context) 
  • Who bullies who? A social network perspective on bullying and victimization. Kandersteg, Switzerland: International Meeting on Joint Efforts against Victimization, June 2007. 
  • Rejection, antisocial behavior, and circular causality. Groningen: Lustrum ICS, November 2006 (conference on Rational Choice Social Research). 
  • The dyadic nature of bullying and victimization. Lawrence, KA: NSF-Sponsored Conference, June 2006 (conference on Modeling Interdependent Data in Developmental Psychology). 
  • Speaker/discussant of SRA Peer Relations Preconference on ‘Linking the study of peer interactions, relationships and groups in adolescence’. San Francisco: Society for Research on Adolescence, March 2006. 
  • ’Dyads: Friends, antipathies, bully-victim relationships.’ San Francisco, CA: SRA Preconference on Peer Relations, March 2006 (presentation and breakout session with Noel Card).

Keynote speaker at WABF conference, June 2019, Dublin

Organization of conferences or conference sessions

  • Veenstra, R. (2012, April). Member Scientific Organization Committee Negative Ties and Social Networks Workshop. Budapest, Hungary (with Joe Labianca, Patrick Doreian, and Robert Faris). 
  • Salmivalli, C. & Veenstra, R. (2012, March). SRA Peer Preconference. Vancouver, Canada (with Mara Brendgen, Bram Orobio de Castro, Dianna Murray-Close, Nancy Guerra, Noel Card, Scott Hofer, Rens van de Schoot, Todd Little, Christian Steglich, Margaret K. Keiley). 
  • Veenstra, R. (2012, March). Paper Symposium on ‘SIENA Models for Negative Relationships and Behavior Dynamics’. Vancouver, Canada: Society for Research on Adolescence (with Sabrina Ruggieri, Gijs Huitsing, Christian Berger, William J. Burk). 
  • Veenstra, R. (2009, April). Paper Symposium on ‘The Complex Nature of Bullying and Victimization’. Denver, CO: Society for Research in Child Development (with Philip Rodkin, Miia Sainio, René Veenstra, and Hongling Xie). 
  • Veenstra, R. (2008, July). Paper Symposium on ‘Bullying and Victimization’. Würzburg, Germany: International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (with Gijs Huitsng, Anke Munniksma, Virpi Pöyhönen, Miia Sainio, and as discussant Sonja Perren). 
  • Veenstra, R. & Ojanen, T. (2008, March). Paper Symposium on ‘Social Network Analysis in the Peer Context’. Chicago, IL: Society for Research on Adolescence (with Jan Kornelis Dijkstra, Gijs Huitsing, Tiina Ojanen, and as discussant Scott D. Gest). 
  • Veenstra, R. (2007, June). Member Program Committee Educational Research Days. Groningen: Onderwijs Research Dagen. 
  • Veenstra, R. (2007, April). Paper Symposium on ‘Desistance from Antisocial Behavior’. Boston: Society for Research in Child Development (with Shawn D. Bushway, Jan Kornelis Dijkstra, René Veenstra, and as discussant Antonius H.N. Cillessen).
  • Veenstra, R. (2006, March). Paper Symposium on ‘Bullying and victimization: Innovative designs and analyses’. San Francisco: Society for Research on Adolescence (with Dorothy L. Espelage, Jenny Isaacs, Susan M. Swearer, René Veenstra, and as discussant Ernest V.E. Hodges). 
  • Veenstra, R. & Côté, S. (2004, March). Paper Symposium on ‘Prosocial and antisocial behavior. Opposite ends or independent characteristics?’. Ghent: International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (with Katja Kokko, Dale F. Hay, Sylvana Côté, René Veenstra, and as discussant Terrie E. Moffitt). 
  • Cillessen, A.H.N. & Veenstra, R. (2004, July). Paper Symposium on ‘Peer relations in adolescence: New concepts and dimensions’. Ghent: International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (with Lei Chang, Jan Kornelis Dijkstra, Marjolijn Vermande, Antonius H.N. Cillessen, and as discussant Thomas J. Dishion). 
  • Veenstra, R. (2004, July). Paper Symposium on ‘Prosocial and antisocial behavior. Two sides of the same coin?’. Baltimore: Society for Research on Adolescence (with Philip C. Rodkin, Stacey S. Horn, René Veenstra, and as discussant Richard A. Fabes). 
  • Dijkstra, A.B., Karsten, S., Veenstra, R., & Visscher, A. (2001, September). Organizer of the Conference ‘Het oog der natie. Scholen op rapport’ for the Vereniging voor Onderwijsresearch (VOR), & OOMO. Amsterdam: SCO-Kohnstamm Instituut. 
  • Veenstra, R. (2001, March). Organizer of the ICS-KLI Miniconference on ‘Solidarity and prosocial dispositions’, Schiermonnikoog. 
  • Dijkstra, A.B., Karsten, S., Veenstra, R., & Visscher, A. (2000, November). Organizer of the Conference ‘Ranking schools’ for the Vereniging voor Onderwijsresearch (VOR), & OOMO. Amsterdam: SCO-Kohnstamm Instituut.