Co-supervisor of a Master Thesis

Supervisor of a Bachelor Thesis

  • Denise Bouwman (Delinquentie in de kindertijd: Relatie met de snelheid van de ontwikkeling naar jongvolwassenheid; 8; 2021)
  • Astrid Stulemeijer (The role of felt stigma in sexual identity-based differences in coming out: Why bisexual people are less likely to come out; 9½; 2020)
  • Myrthe ten Broeke (Een gezonde leefstijl: Een middel in het voorkomen van jeugdcriminaliteit?; 7; 2020)
  • Merel Limbeek (Terrorism and culture: Comprehending the effects of six cultural dimensions on domestic terroristic incidents; 8½; 2016) 
  • Vera Hanewinkel (Sibling similarities in bullying behaviors: Impact of gender compositions and age spacing in bullying and victimization; 7½; 2013) 
  • Kim Zunderdorp (Consequences of Defending Behavior on Status and Affection: The Effects of Gender and KiVa; 9; 2012) 
  • Chaim la Roi (The effects of parental education, parental occupation and family income on adolescent prosocial behavior. Considering the mediating role of motives; 9; 2011) 
  • Marloes Kingma (The effects of family affluence and popularity on friendship nominations between same- and cross-ethnic peers; 7; 2011) 
  • Sarah Nijholt (Girls who bully boys: Forms and functions; 7½; 2010) 
  • Gijs Huitsing (Influences of popularity and going out on antisocial behaviour; 8; 2006) 
  • Anke Munniksma (Explaining variations in crime among neighborhoods: The impact of social cohesion and informal control; 8½; 2006) 
  • Anita Brands (De invloed van buurtkenmerken op antisociaal gedrag van jongeren; 7+; 2006) 
  • Karin Eising (De invloed van buurtkenmerken op antisociaal gedrag van jongeren; 7+; 2006) 
  • Marianne Horsting (De invloed van buurtkenmerken op antisociaal gedrag van jongeren; 5½; 2006)

Project Criminality and Security